浦霞醸造元 株式会社 佐浦

Urakasumi Distillery - Saura | Web

また、東北最古のゴルフ場として「仙塩ゴルフ倶楽部 浦霞コース」が塩竈市の丘陵地帯にあります。幾多の困難を乗り越えた、歴史あるゴルフコースを保有していることでも有名です。

This gorgeous shop in Miyagi prefecture is a historical treasure. It survived the earthquake and still produces award winning sake that is respected nationwide while. Rich traditions are still used and the cultural heritage which dates all the way back to its founding during the Edo period is still evident. One of the stores most famous products is the “Urakasumi” series, which has a huge amount of fans not only in Japan but world wide as well. The shop also owns and manages the Senen Golf course and country club, and maintains the Urakasumi course, a golf course also known for its historical heritage.


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